Chapter 05: Clean Sweep
Delta finds some new respect for Pear. Or maybe fear. Or both. Will this spell the end of Delta’s unrelenting sass toward Pear? (No. No it will not)
Those cables’ve gotta be, like, ridiculously strong. (I’m trying to decide if I like doing the sky in gradient like this…Hmmm.) (Also let’s pour one out for Bombot. You might’ve not been a good bot by any metric, and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Well this is a bit awkward- sorry about missing a few updates there. ^^; Without going into too much detail (Because this isn’t my personal blog / The Scientific Adventures of Kzuich Complains), I’ve been dealing with a lot of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The kitty cat does some good for once! Good thing Delta’s being grateful here. I would be, too, if a giant, uh…furry monster had me in its teeth! (well…on second thought…)